How to Give Up the Idea of Perfection & Not Care What People Think
Perfectionism is a friend of your inner mean girl. Like fear and insecurity, it fuels the flames of your negative self-talk; working to convince you you’ll never be good enough to achieve your dreams.
If you have a tendency to be a perfectionist, you probably understand all too well the cycle of starting something only to give up because it will never be up to your own standards or others won’t approve. That is, if you even get started. Perfectionism can keep us from even trying at all. Here are three things to remember as you fight the urge to keep your need for perfectionism at bay when trying something new.
1. People will talk about you (and that's okay)
The first few times you try something new may not work out the way you want. That's normal. And maybe, people might even talk about you. Remember that people love discussing, talking, and gossiping about something new.
So if you're experiencing a breakup, starting a YouTube channel, starting a business, re-branding your business, or just changing your style of dressing, people get intrigued and talk about it.
We all do it.
It is futile to control other people's perception of us - it's not possible. Worrying so much about the thoughts and opinions of others can cause us to be afraid to be our authentic selves. You’ll find yourself living life or acting a certain way to be approved by others.
So rather than stressing about someone else’s opinion, remember we can only control our own thoughts, emotions, and reactions.
2. So what if you fail?
Don't attach your self-worth to your ability to avoid mistakes.
If you attach your self-worth to your ability to avoid mistakes, you will be on a roller coaster ride with your confidence.
Not being a perfectionist will make you more relaxed and take some pressure off you. When you are more relaxed, calmer, and less anxious, you make lesser mistakes.
Are you someone who feels humiliated by a mistake or someone who laughs it off?
Someone who feels humiliated is likely to take herself too seriously. And likely to have self-worth issues. Mistakes are normal. Accept that you are valuable and imperfect human beings, just like everybody else.
3. People are generally forgiving.
If you overlook some things here and there, people are usually fine with it.
The problem starts when you are not forgiving yourself
If you keep replaying the mistake and humiliation in your mind, it will keep you feeling embarrassed and fearful to move on. These feelings don't benefit you. Other people do not keep replaying your mistakes in their minds. People are more concerned with how other people - including you - perceive them.
Remember, you are human, as are other humans. Humans are inherently flawed creatures, and that’s okay also.